Knoxville Addiction Clinic Uses Suboxone For Opiate Replacement Therapy

The first buprenorphine treatment program for opiate addiction in the United States was founded by McDowell et. al at Columbia University & reported a success rate = 90%. Despite years of research to the contrary, methadone remains a gold standard in the armory of physicians.

The track record of opiate replacement therapy, while not perfect, has permitted hundreds of thousands of Americans (and millions more world wide) to achieve a reduction in the number and severity of relapses to illicit opiate use and associated costs to society in terms of criminal activity (burglary, theft, robbery, muggings) necessary to obtain money for drugs which ultimately wind up financing the vast, globally connected drug cartels. Additionally, opioid replacement therapy reduces the risk of contracting Hepatitis C and HIV among other communicable diseases. This, along with lowered rates of recidivism and incarceration for drug-Prohibition related crimes as formerly active addicts reorient their lives from the daily quest to stave off opiate withdrawal and reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens, has not changed the fact that the appearance of methadone clinics across the United States has changed little since their inception in the early 1970s. Opiate replacement therapy remains strictly regulated despite its success in harm reduction for both patients and society.

Suboxone contains buprenorphine plus a short acting opiate blocker called naloxone. Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic partial opiate agonist. That means, it has very unique properties compared with other opiates like hydrocodone and oxycodone. Suboxone can take away the cravings for opiates so the addict can work on figuring out why he or she takes opiates in the first place. doctors who prescribe Suboxone believe that it saves lives.
To find out more about Suboxone and how it works click here

What is Subutex or Suboxone Used For?

Suboxone and Subutex both are limited opioid drugs  that happen to be utilized to treat opioid drug dependence. The primary active component in both drugs is Buprenorphine. The active component, buprenorphine, is a partial agonist and that means you only partialy experience the opiate effects from taking this medication. Prescription drugs Oxycotin, Morphine, Methadone ,etc, are actually full opioids plus the more you take the greater the effect. Suboxone and Subutex do not perform like this therefore you will not get high should you take more opiate drugs. The actual ceiling effect additionally makes Suboxone or Subutex less hazardous in overdosage as respiratory depression reaches a set limit however, you can still overdose should you mix any combination of the following alcohol, benzodiazepines,or take the drug recreationally.

     Suboxone and Subutex have an exceptionally high binding affinity for the actual mu- opioid receptors within your brain and will displace almost every other opiates that happen to be occupying these receptors.
    The actual term “Affinity” is utilized to spell it out the strength in which a chemical compond adheres to its receptor in your brain. Suboxone includes a secondary ingredient, Naloxone , this is a pure antagonist and this drug is there to act as a prevention against misuse. Hospitals also employ the use of Naloxone to reverse the effects of  accidental overdosing with narcotic agonists (Heroin) as well as some partial antagonists (Buprenorphine). Buprenorphine overdose is actually difficult to treat as it adheres so firmly to the human brain receptors naloxone has a hard time displacing it.

If уоu are suffering from the effects of Opiate drug abuse and wоuld lіkе tо know more about Suboxone and how it can help reduce withdrawal symptoms when detoxing from the abuse of opiate drugs contact an authorized Suboxone Doctor.. 


Looking For A Knoxville Suboxone Drug Rehab Doctor?

Just imagine how it will feel to have control over your own life again. Successful drug and alcohol treatment is built on discovering yourself once again. Once you understand addiction and your personal patterns you can move toward health and freedom.

With the help and support of a caring staff of physicians and counselors you will be given the tools to create a brand-new life for yourself. Call Wellness North Today 865-249-6214

Knoxville Suboxone Clinic

Imagine living a healthy life free from the drive to use drugs or drink. Your self-esteem is restored, your relationships improve and you experience joy and hope once again. We want to help you to conquer your drug or alcohol addiction once and for all and start you on the road to solid recovery. Call Wellness North today 865-249-6214 or visit our website at

Buprenorphine acts as a blocker with other opioids. But the main difference is again that presence of naloxone to prevent tampering and intravenous use. Suboxone also is flavored with an orange flavoring, which makes it more palatable, and it also is less expensive. Most clients prefer Suboxone because it does taste better and it is less expensive than other medication’s for opiate rehab therapy.